At the Installation of Brother Murray Hunter as R.W.M. of Lodge Stincher Valley No 1705 held in Girvan on Saturday, 21 March 2015. Photo by Brother J. Stewart Cruickshanks.
On Saturday, 19 April 2014 at the Installation of elected Office-bearers held at Dunoon, the I.P.P.G.M. of the Province of Ayrshire, Bro. Archibald Chalmers presented the P.G.M. with a photo taken at the P.G.M.’s Installation in Campbeltown. The photo is of the P.G.M. and the Members of his Mother Lodge (141). This was presented by Bro. Chalmers on behalf of himself, Bro. George Reid and Bro. Stewart Cruickshanks. Photo by Bro. Stewart Cruickshanks.